Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, October 15, 2012


kesabaran amat diperlukan sekarang ini .. :)


Kuhantarkan bak di pelataran
Hati yang temaran
Matamu juga mata mataku
Ada hasrat yang mungkin terlarang

Satu kata yang sulit terucap
Hingga batinku tersiksa
Tuhan tolong aku jelaskanlah
Perasaanku berubah jadi cinta

Tak bisa hatiku merapikan cinta
Karena cinta tersirat bukan tersurat
Meski bibirku terus berkata tidak
Mataku terus pancarkan sinarnya

Kudapati diri makin tersesat
Saat kita bersama
Desah nafas yang tak bisa teruskan
Persahabatan jadi cinta

Apa yang kita kini tengah rasakan
Mengapakah kita coba persatukan
Mungkin cobaan untuk persahabatan
Atau mungkin sebuah takdir Tuhan

Sunday, October 14, 2012


AMARAN. jgn pernah tanye aku soalan ni. kenapa mcmtu? boleh ke? tak apa ke? selalu ke? mcm mana? jgn prnah persoalkan ape yg aku mampu dan tak mampu buat. itu semua kerja tuhan. kalau dah tertulis macam tu ceritanye, kite takde kuasa nk persoalkan semua tu. cuba kite belajar memahami sesuatu tanpa bertanyakan atau persoalkan ape yg bakal jadi ataupon yg telah jadi. perhatikan keadaan sekeliling. masing2 ade coretan hidup yg dilukis oleh diri mereka sendiri. mungkin kite hanya perlu pinjam pen atau pensil daripada org lain. tapi jangan biarkan org lain yg melukiskan cara hidup anda. pegang pensil tu dgn diri sendiri, lukis dengan seikhlas hati, padamkan jika ade yg tersilap coret. jgn berhenti melukis sehingga tangan kau sendiri dah tidak berfungsi (mati). pen yang dipinjam hanyalah sebagai pembakar semangat kau utk terus melukis. memang betul, tanpa pen atau pensil tu, tak kan adalah hasilnya. pokok pangkal itu semua usaha kite sendiri, jgn silap memilih pen atau pensil. kalau tersilap, mungkin ia mudah patah ketika kite melukis. itulah satu punca kite berputus asa. jika nak nampak lukisan lebih menarik, pilihla warna2 yg indah dipandang. insyaallah, cantik hasil lukisan tu. setiap hari aku bangun, aku ibaratkan diri aku sedang melukis sesuatu yg tak kan ade penghujungnye sehingga aku sendiri berada di penghujungnye. hidup adalah bukan sesuatu yg murah. ia ibarat lukisan yg mahal,hasil titik peluh seorang manusia. bukan mudah sesuatu lukisan itu boleh ditukar ganti tapi ia boleh diubah. jangan mudah terpedaya utk menjual lukisan mahal ini. memandangkan ia sesuatu yg berharga pada anda, tidak salah kite menjaga dan menyimpannya dan digantung di tempat paling tinggi. supaya hidup anda ibarat maruah yg tertinggi yg bukan mudah utk diambil atau dibelek2. biar lah terlalu tinggi, semakin tinggi, semakin terjaga lukisan itu. tetapi ingat, sekali lukisan ini tercoret dgn lukisan2 kotor, pemadam (doa) sedia ada untuk kita.


i'm of the opinion that the word perfect brings different meaning, because sometimes it may seems nice but not assure you the perfection. and sometimes it may seems the hardest thing to do, yet simple is the most easiest way to look nice. in other words, everything does not need to be so perfect, as long as you think of being nice, simple is therefore is in need. i always remind to myself, live in easiest life will assure me the nice consequences. i treat my self for not being so extremely exposing. however, there are situations where i betray myself for depending on what i've seen or explored. i tend to follow what people do without noticing that it is not the nice way to be perfect as they are. Allah creates us with different personality, different ability, and different mentality. Allah gave us something special in which we should explore ourselves perfectly. Allah asked for the perfection because He wants us to be nice. There's no need for us to disregard the perfections that He had gave us. Perhaps, we constantly comparing and complaining what other people can do and what they cannot do. Do we realize that when we are doing so, we are complaining and comparing on what Allah had gave us. Does it make you feel guilty? Does it make you so awful when you are so cruel in challenging your own Creator. This is what happened to me too often. I always forget my own ability, my own personality, and my own mentality because i'm too often worry about other's credibility. i incapable of being believed on myself until i found the way to turn around and say "Hey look, "kesempurnaan itu menanti jika kita tidak sia2 kan kebaikan yang kite perolehi". eh tibe2 bahasa melayu. ape yg raby ni nk membebel sbnrnye?


i have seen and heard many stories about spouses who had problems, and this marital problems could lead to divorce especially. i've noticed there are many spouses who could not find solution and has ended up by making a wrong decision. honestly, this had caused me so worried about building up a family. does everything about commitment lead to an argument and does divorce is the best solution? in Islam marriage, Syariah Court provides the conciliation committee which brings the purpose of giving spouses chances to reconcile in any cases where there is possibility of mutual agreement could arrived. I didnt mean that to reach the best solution, it must be involved of the third party. but, sometimes, people tend to find the easy solution without relying other's opinion. You need to entirely eliminate negative ideas, fear and worries that you have. Be positive and remind yourself that we are not created perfect. Whenever you're in trouble, it is time for you to evaluate yourself and your spouse. yes it is challenging to handle the strains but sometimes it can strengthen the relationship. i feel sorry for my friend who had divorced early this morning because the little princess daughter that they had did not understand what her parents had went through. and if only the cutie princess understands, do u think that she wants her parents to divorce? having children is an additional stress in a marriage, but dont you realize their existence is to bring strong bond for you as couple. trust me, you will regret. because it is too late for you to convince your children that you loved them. because if you loved them, you should not have walked away. one day, your children will ask you, why dont you find ways to save your marriage? prepare the answer from now :)