Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, December 19, 2011


Some people just aren't happy. Nothing is ever good enough. Always quick to find fault in all you do and share it with anyone that will listen. They smile to our face and whisper behind your back . The only happiness they know is when others hurt and fail. They seem to thrive on it. If somehow makes them feel a little better about their own miserable lives. Yes some people just aren't happy and i call these people haters.

Im glad you take the time out of your busy schedule to scope my page. Before you judge me, take a good look at you. Seems to me you're a little slow to understand "Ignorance and Jealousy go hand in hand". You talk mad shit and say it without a trace. You call me shit, call me a whore. Call me whatever you want, I've heard it before. Say that im fake, im lie. Say what you want. You wont see me cry because i know none of its true. But calling me all this shit, naahhh what the hell does that make you ? I don't recall giving you a reason to hate me, you create your own drama based on pure Jealousy. Come on and be a big girl and say it to my face ! If you cant walk the walk then dont talk the talk . Why with the little girl games ? Im over it just so you know and wishing you the best well that just makes me so much better than you. So get over it cause i did .

I keep it real and that's a promise. I may be a BITCH but at least im honest. Im not trying to please you or make u smile. Now shut ur hating and keep me out your mouth.

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